Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Amazing Wolfberry (Goji Berry) !



I am actually drinking this amazing cup of tea while I'm writing this blog for you! I have been on quite the Goji kick these days ! I discovered the tea at a friends house while presenting a Young Living Essential Oils 101 class ! (It pays to hang out with healthy people!) I never would have thought of this! I just put 1/4 cup of Goji Berries in the bottom of a mug , pour boiling water over them, let them sit 5 minutes, sip the sweet amazing tea , and then eat the soft juicy Goji Berries with a spoon ... Luxurious! I put them in my oatmeal , on top of salads, trail mixes , and sometimes I just pop a bunch in my mouth !


 Grab a bag HERE! Just click on product line and type Wolfberry in the search key and click on Organic Dried Wolfberries !

The legendary Ningxia wolfberry has long been sought after for its rich nutritional content. With documented use dating back to the Ming Dynasty, it is one of the earliest known “superfruits” utilized in ancient Chinese health practices. Organically cultivated and dried in remote regions of China, the wolfberry’s revered and unparalleled nutritional profile includes polyphenols, polysaccharides, and a distinctive ratio of trace nutrients. Certified USDA organic wolfberries fortify and replenish, making them a perfect healthful snack.


Whole dried organic Ningxia wolfberries (Lycium barbarum)




$32.57 USD


$24.75 USD 


Maria Martin
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Young Living Independent Senior Star Distributor

Monday, February 22, 2016

Rosemary Hair Softening/Shining Conditioner (Quick, Organic, 3 Ingredients)

 I love this recipe and I've been using it in my hair for a few months now making my hair so clean, soft, and shiny! I use this a couple times a week and I use it alone without any other shampoo or conditioner. The smell honestly takes a bit to get used too but doesn't stay on your hair for long .
Tip: Don't use it right after you make it because will be cooooold lol .
 The shampoo I use most days and love love love I get from Trader Joes and most of the ingredients are organic which is not only awesome for your health but it doesn't build up in your hair at all . It smells simply wonderful and has a cool fresh feel on your scalp . It's a bargain at $3.99 a bottle. You only need to use a small amount and it lasts for a very long time.

Ingredients :

1  1/2 cups of filtered water

1/2 cup of Braggs Organic/Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

15 drops of Young Living Rosemary Essential Oil



Mix ingredients in a repurposed shampoo bottle .

Shake well !

Apply about a third to hair in shower after hair is wet and rinse .

Rosemary essential oil helps support a healthy lifestyle regimen and well-being*. This oil provides a savory addition to many meats marinades, side dishes, and dressings. Rosemary includes the naturally occurring constituents eucalyptol and alpha-pinene, and is an important ingredient in many Young Living products including Thieves®, En-R-Gee™, and JuvaFlex™ essential oil blends, Essentialzymes-4™ and Inner Defense™.
Pinene: Commonly found in Oil of Turpentine extracted from Pinus specie trees, pinene (alpha-pinene and beta-pinene) is also widely distributed in other plants. It is used for Rheumatism as a liniment but is best known by Aromatherapists and a tonic of the mucus membranes of the respiratory system. Pinene is also important for its pleasant fragrance and is believed to have diuretic properties by many.

From the App:


Maria Martin
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Young Living Independent Senior Star Distributor

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Lavender Hand Treatment (amazing!)

This hand treatment is truly amazing ! It comes with rave reviews and has ingredients you could eat if you wanted ! I have been making this as gifts for my One on One oil class clients and they have been loving it ! I made some for my mom to try because she had horribly dry cracked and bleeding hands . They were all better in a week ! It has been keeping my hands soft all winter !

Step One Scrub !  


 (for the hand scrub pictured above )  
1 cup of Organic Sugar
2 teaspoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil
8-10 drops of Young Living Lavender Essential Oil

Directions :

Mix the oils together first
Mix the oils into the sugar
Add to an air tight container of your choice .

To use :

Moisten your hands. (not wet)
Scoop about a tablespoon of scrub into your hands.
Scrub away gently and rinse with warm water.
 Pat dry

Step Two Moisturize :

Ingredients :

Unscented Lotion
Young Living Lavender Essential Oil
 To make the lotion I just use a squirt of Everyone Lotion (unscented)  and then add a few drops of Lavender essential oils !

                                                      And soft silky hands will appear!!!!
As always I hope you enjoy this toxic/chemical free recipe !
Let me know how you like it !
Maria Martin
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Young Living Independent Senior Star Distributor