Thursday, October 6, 2016

| Lavender Essential Oil Foaming Hand Soap Recipe |

Lavender Foaming hand soap recipe


Making hand soap is sooooo easy !

 Most hand soaps are full of harmful chemicals and irritants . Making your own is simple, super inexpensive and it smells divine . There is an array of scents you can use depending on your personal preference . Lavender is my favorite because it's amazing for the skin and I just love the way it smells . Orange is super refreshing and uplifting and then there is Thieves which is incredible for the cooler germ filled season . I was one of THOSE people who said I was too busy and would never start making my own stuff . As you can see that has changed .

Essential Oils


What you will need to make your amazing

| Lavender Essential Oil foaming hand soap recipe |


An old foaming bottle from another brand . Mine was from Dial.

Dr. Bronners unscented Castile Soap as pictured above


An essential oil of your choosing


 How to make it :

Put about 1 1/2 inches of  Dr. Bronners on the bottom of the container

Fill with !

water leaving room for the pump so it doesn't over flow

Add 8-15 drops of essential oils


Put pump in and you are ready

Lavender Essential Oil Foaming hand soap recipe
Our bodies absorb almost every chemical that goes onto our skin and making sure we are using organic chemical free options for our personal care and cleaning products is Vital to your health . It really is easy and the oils smell simply divine . I love cleaning and having my house small magnificent and knowing my family is not putting harmful chemicals on their bod pods. I also clean my air and scent my home with the diffuser which has become an integral part of our life especially to help us sleep at night  .
I am here for you if you have any questions at all or would like a one on one personal class or even a class for you ad some friends to learn how you can become chemical free .
Health Coaches in Western Mass
Maria Martin
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Young Living Independent Senior Star Distributor